Film Client Derrick Comedy Premieres at Sundance Film Festival
CONCORD, NH — New Hampshire law firm Gallagher Callahan & Gartrell congratulates its client, Derrick Comedy, for its debut film premiere at Sundance Film Festival, January 15-25. Its film, Mystery Team, was well received and described by Entertainment Weekly as follows: “a palate cleanser after a series of films dominated by pain, heartbreak, and gunshot wound, the penultimiate spotlight goes to [this] sublimely ridiculous” plot. The film, directed by Dan Eckman, was shot exclusively in New Hampshire.
As a client of our Entertainment Law practice, Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell assisted Derrick Comedy with securing literary rights, union agreements, script clearance and the various legal aspects of its production activities.
The firm’s entertainment lawyers assist filmmakers with services including financing and financing strategies, branding, trademark and intellectual property protection, as well as employment matters, site permitting, licensing and more. For more information on our services for film companies, please contact Jon Garon or Peter Cline.
Attorney Garon has also authored the Filmmaking 101 column covering business and legal issues for filmmakers. The series are exerpts from his book, The Independent Filmmakers Law & Business Guide. The book’s second edition can now be advance ordered on
Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell is a multidisciplinary law firm based in Concord, New Hampshire.